Sunday, March 17, 2013

Assignment #5 - Creating a Survey

For Assignment #5, I chose to develop a survey that would be used to gather preliminary data for the program evaluation I will plan for our ECUR 809 final project. The program I have been focusing on is called Recess Guardians. The objective of the Recess Guardian program is to increase positive behavior, attitudes and activity levels of students during recess play. Students receive several instructional sessions where instructors (including Husky athlete volunteers) teach students games, leave equipment for recess use equipment to use, and lead students through some peer teaching opportunities.

The survey created would be given to teachers before the program was to be implemented in their classroom, to develop a sense of teacher perception and observation of student attitude, activity levels and peer interactions during recess breaks. The importance of this data would be especially important in order to note changes in these area based on a post-program survey, student/teacher logs, and observations.

It is important to note that I would include greater space for the short answer response questions than shown here. In fact, after our class on Saturday, I signed up for a fluidsurveys account, and definitely see the ease and merit of using such a tool. However, for this survey, it will be a paper version.

Original Survey:

Recess Guardians – Pre-Program Teacher Survey

Teacher name:                                             School name:

Class Information:

1.     What is the grade level of your class?        _______________

2.     How many students are in the class?         _______________

3.     How many males?     _______________

4.     How many females?  _______________

Please use the rating scale provided to answer the follow questions, based on what you observe from the majority of your students. Circle the most appropriate answer:

1.     My students look forward to and enjoy recess breaks.
Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree       Strongly Disagree

2.     My students find appropriate activities to fill their recess times.

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree       Strongly Disagree

3.     My students are regularly engaged in physical activity at recess

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree       Strongly Disagree

4.     My students demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship in the activities they participate in during recess

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree         Strongly Disagree

5.     Students in my class have access to adequate amounts of equipment to use at recess.

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree         Strongly Disagree

6.     Students regularly use the equipment that is available to them.

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree         Strongly Disagree

7.     My students frequently experience conflict with their peers at recess

Strongly agree             Agree                          Disagree       Strongly Disagree

8.     I spend time working to resolve recess conflicts between students at least weekly.

Strongly agree                         Agree                              Disagree                   Strongly Disagree

Please answer the following questions .

9.     Describe some of the activities that students in your class choose to participate in and seem to enjoy at recess throughout the school year.

10. What do you hope your students will gain from participating in Recess Guardians?

After receiving feedback from four colleagues who completed the survey, I was able to see some clarity errors within the first survey, and a few missed points that needed to be added. The following changes were made:

-      -  I added a short explanation at the top of the survey to let teachers know the purpose for the survey
-      -  Roman Numerals were added to separate each of the three areas (class information, rating scale questions, and short answers)
-      -  I had several colleagues comment that while I asked for the breakdown of males and females in the class, there were no other questions that would allow teachers to express or explain if they see a big difference between the recess play of their male students and female students. To account for this, I added an additional short answer question related to the nature of recess conflicts
-       - I changed the rating scale from four indicators to five. I struggled with this a bit, as I did not like the word “neutral” for the middle indicator, as was suggested by one colleague. I did agree, however, that many teachers might struggle to make such a definitive choice between agree (2) and disagree (3). Therefore, I only named the highest (Strongly agree) and lowest (Strongly disagree) ratings, but used numbers for the entire scale.
-      -  I added some criteria I question II. 3 about how teachers might observe or know if students have been physically active
-       - Two additional questions were added to the short answer section regarding types of conflict that occur during recess, at the recommendation of two colleagues
-      -  A “thank you” was added to complete the survey

Revised Survey:

Recess Guardians – Pre-Program Teacher Survey

Teacher name:                                             School name:

Please answer the following questions based on your current classroom grouping. The purpose of this survey is to learn more about your class and how the Recess Guardians program might best impact your students’ activity level, interactions with peers, and attitudes during recess breaks.

I. Class Information:

1.     What is the grade level of your class?        _______________

2.     How many students are in the class?         _______________

3.     How many males?     _______________

4.     How many females?  _______________

II. Please use the rating scale provided to answer the follow questions, based on what you observe from the majority of your students. Circle the most appropriate number from one to five:

1.     My students look forward to and typically enjoy recess breaks.

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

2.     My students find appropriate and productive activities to fill their recess times.

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

3.     My students are regularly engaged in physical activity at recess (they come in looking like they have been breathing harder, they need a drink of water, etc.)

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

4.     My students demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship in the activities they participate in during recess

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

5.     Students in my class have access to adequate amounts of equipment to use at recess.

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

6.     Students regularly use the equipment that is available to them.

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

7.     My students frequently experience conflict with their peers at recess

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

8.     I spend time working to resolve recess conflicts between students at least weekly.

1                              2                           3                       4                           5              
Strongly                                                                                              Strongly
            Agree                                                                                                  Disagree

III. Please answer the following questions .

9.     List some of the activities that students in your class choose to participate in and seem to enjoy at recess throughout the school year.

10.  Describe the types of conflicts that arise during recess play.

11. Explain  how (or if) recess conflicts differ based on gender, social groupings, etc.

12. What do you hope your students will gain from participating in Recess Guardians?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey Your input is valued!